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  • Published In: News
  • Created Date: 2015-06-05
  • Hits: 2097
  • Comment: 0

All Thawte branded certificates now include unlimited server support at no extra cost. You no longer need to purchase any server licenses to install certificates on ad...

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  • Published In: News
  • Created Date: 2015-03-20
  • Hits: 2097
  • Comment: 0

Symantec has announced that they will now secure www & non-www domain names with single SSL certificate and it will be considered the same FQDN (Full Qualified Dom...

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  • Published In: News
  • Created Date: 2014-08-06
  • Hits: 4227
  • Comment: 0

Goolge has annouced that they started to use HTTPS (SSL) as a ranking signal. At first, it is a lightweight signal rather than other signals like high-quality content ...

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  • Published In: Security
  • Created Date: 2014-04-14
  • Hits: 2094
  • Comment: 0

A bug has been identified in OpenSSL, all details can be found at The bug has been assigned CVE-2014-0160. OpenSSL versions 1.0.1 – 1.0.1f are vuln...

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